Saturday 19 January 2008

Teaching in a computer suite

Having the extra help of a TA with the class has meant it is possible to split the class in half and have two ICT sessions in the computer suite. This means that each child can have a computer to themselves, giving them more opportunity to practice. This week I took each group for a 30 minute session into the suite. It is well laid out with the computers around the outside of the room and an IWB in the centre. This meant I was able to show all the children at the same time how to access the computer programme they were going to be working on and how to play the typing games that were planned for the lesson. We all logged on and got into the programme together before trying out the games. This prevented the need to go round to each child to make sure they knew what they were doing and enabled me to dedicate my time to those children with particular needs.

I feel that if schools are going to have computer suites then this is a good way to lay them out so that there is a big screen for all the children to easily see while the teacher is modelling the activities and the teacher can see what all the children are accessing at all times making behaviour management a lot easier.

1 comment:

The Python said...

Fair comment.

Thank you.